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  1. Leila Megouache, Salheddine Sadouni, Abdelhafid Zitouni, Mahieddine Djoudi, "Design and Evaluation of Geographic Information Systems for Environmental Protection Through Data-Driven Decision Making: A Case Study of Solid Waste Management in Ali Mendjeli, Algeria", Journal of Urban Development and Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2024, pp 109-119.

  2. Oussama Arki, Abdelhafid Zitouni, Mahieddine Djoudi, "A Security Method for Cloud Storage Using Data Classification", International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC), ISSN: 1938-0259, DOI: 10.4018, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2023, pp 1-17.

  3. Lynda Kacha, Abdelhafid Zitouni, Mahieddine Djoudi, "KAB: A new k-anonymity approach based on black hole algorithm", Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 2021.

  4. Megouache, Leïla, Abdelhafid Zitouni, and Mahieddine Djoudi (2020). "Ensuring user authentication and data integrity in multi-cloud environment". Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 10(1): 15.

  5. Hichem Rahab, Abdelhafid Zitouni, Mahieddine Djoudi. (2020). An Enhanced Corpus for Arabic Newspapers Comments International Arab Journal of Information Technology 2020. ISSN: 1683-3198. 17(5)., 
  6. Bouaita Riad, Abdelhafid Zitouni, Ramdane Maamri. (2020). Improving Service Performance in Oversubscribed IaaS Cloud“. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, IGI Global , ISSN: 1938-0259, Vol 12, Issue 1, Article 3.  In press.
  7. Hichem Rahab, Abdelhafid Zitouni, Mahieddine Djoudi. (2019). SANA: Sentiment Analysis on Newspapers comments in Algeria“. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier, 2019 In press. doi 10.1016/j.jksuci.2019.04.012 ISSN: 1319-1578
  8. Farouq Zitouni ; Ramdane Maamri, Abdelhafid Zitouni(2019)., Multi-Robot Task Allocation with Energetic, Spatial and Temporal Constraints“. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI) Vol 17, Issue 1, Mars 2019 , pp 102-138 ISSN: 0974-0635
  9. Sofiane Kemchi, Abdelhafid Zitouni, Mahieddine Djoudi. (2018). AMACE: Agent based Multi-criterions Adaptation in Cloud Environment“. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, Springer, Volume 8, Issue 1, 1 December 2018, 8:1-28 doi 10.1186/s13673-018-0149-2 ISSN: 2192-1962
  10. Oussama Arki, Abdelhafid Zitouni, Ahmed Taki Eddine Dib. (2018). A Multi-Agent Security Framework for Cloud Data Storage“. Multiagent and Grid Systems ---- An International Journal Advancing Cloud and Data Research, IOS Press, Vol 14, Issue 4, 2018 , pp 357-382 dOI 10.3233/MGS-180296 ISSN: 1875-9076
  11. Abdelhafid Zitouni, (2012). Rigorous Description Of Design Components Functionality: An Approach Based Contract“. IJCSI : International Journal of Computer Science Issues, ISSN: 1694-0814, Vol. 9, Issue. 1, pp 187-196, January 2012
  12. Abdelhafid Zitouni, Mahmoud Boufaida, Lionel Seinturier, Contract-based Approach to Specify Design Components”. (2011). International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications (IJSEIA), SERSC(Science & Engineering Research Support Center) Publisher, ISSN: 1738-9984, Vol. 5 No. 4, pp 71-88, July, 2011,

Chapter Book

  1. Hichem Rahab, Mahieddine Djoudi and Abdelhafid Zitouni (2021). Sentiment Analysis of Arabic Documents. Natural Language Processing for Global and Local Business, pages 307-331. Fatih Pinarbasi; and M. Nurdan Taskiran, editor(s). IGI Global.

International Conferences

  1. Fatiha Charef, Abdelhafid Zitouni, Mahieddine Djoudi, Hichem Rahab, ". Resources Building for Arabic Harmful Online Content: Survey. ", Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (ICEIS 2024) - ISSN: 1951-6851, 2024, pages 387–403.
  2. Arki, Oussama, and Abdelhafid Zitouni(2018).Cloud Storage and Security Overview“. Proceedings of the 3rd Edition of the InternationalConference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering (ICAASE18), Constantine, Algeria, 1,2-December-2018, published at
  3. Arki  Oussama and Abdelhafid Zitouni. (2017).“A Security Framework for Cloud Data Storage(CDS) Based on Agent.”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing vol 661. Springer Verlag: 62–73. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-67621-0_6. /conference/comesyso
  4. Hichem Rahab, Abdelhafid Zitouni and Mahieddine Djoudi, (2017). "SIAAC : Sentiment Polarity Identification on Arabic Algerian Newspaper Comments". Proceedings of the Computational Methods in Systems and Software Applied Computational (CoMeSySo 2017) Intelligence and Mathematical Methods, ISBN: 978-1-4503-5309-0. Springer Cham, September, pp 139-149.
  5. Bouaita Riad, Abdelhafid Zitouni and Ramdane Maamri (2017). "An Autonomous Architecture for Managing Vertical Elasticity in the IaaS Cloud Using Memory Oversubscription". Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing vol 661. Springer Verlag :pp 50–61. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-67621-0_5
  6. Arki Oussama and Abdelhafid Zitouni (2017). "A Two-Tiers Framework for Cloud Data Storage (CDS) Security Based on Agent.". Auer M., Tsiatsos T. (eds) Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning. IMCL 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 725. Springer, Cham
  7. Hichem Rahab,  Abdelhafid Zitouni and Mahieddine Djoudi (2017). "ARAACOM: ARAbic Algerian Corpus for Opinion Mining". Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing for Engineering and Sciences (ICCES '17), Istanbul, Turkey, July 22 - 24, pp 35--39.
  8. Kacha Linda and Abdelhafid Zitouni (2017). "An Overview on Data Security in Cloud Computing". In: Silhavy R., Silhavy P., Prokopova Z. (eds) Cybernetics Approaches in Intelligent Systems. CoMeSySo 201 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 661. Springer, Cham
  9. Megouache Leila,  Abdelhafid Zitouni and Mahieddine Djoudi (2017). "A New Framework of Authentication Over Cloud Computing". Silhavy R., Silhavy P., Prokopova Z. (eds) Cybernetics Approaches in Intelligent Systems. CoMeSySo 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 661. Springer, Cham, pp 262-270.
  10. Beldjezzar, Leila., Abdelhafid Zitouni and Mahieddine Djoudi (2017). "New Framework Model to Secure Cloud Data Storage". Silhavy R., Silhavy P., Prokopova Z., Senkerik R., Kominkova Oplatkova Z. (eds) Software Engineering Trends and Techniques in Intelligent Systems. CSOC 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 575. Springer, Cham, April 26-29, pp 44-52. Doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-57141-6_5
  11. Sofiane Kemchi, Abdelhafid Zitouni and Mahieddine Djoudi (2016). "Self Organization Agent Oriented Dynamic Resource Allocation on Open Federated Clouds Environment“ 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications – CloudTech'16 – May 24-26 2016, Marrakesh, Morocco
  12. Saddek Benabied, Abdelhafid Zitouni and Mahieddine Djoudi (2015). "A Cloud Security Framework Based on Trust Model and Mobile Agent", 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, June 2-4, 2015 – Marrakech, MOROCCO.
  13. Perseil Isabelle, Pautet Laurent, Rolland Jean-François, Filali Mamoun, Delanote Didier, Baelen Stefan Van, Joosen Wouter; Berbers Yolande, Mallet Fréderic, Bertrand Dominique, Faucou Sébastien, Zitouni Abdelhafid, Boufaida Mahmoud, Seinturier Lionel, Champeau Joel, Abdoul Thomas, Feiler Peter H., Mraidha Chokri and Gérard Sébastien. (2011). “An Efficient Modeling and Execution Framework for Complex Systems Development”; International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS2011), 16th IEEE International Conference on Issue Date: 27-29 April 2011, pp 317 - 331 Las Vegas, NV, USA, ISBN: 978-1-61284-853-2,DOI: 10.1109/ICECCS.2011.
  14. Abdelhafid Zitouni, Mahmoud Boufaïda and Lionel Seinturier “Specifying components, with compositional patterns, (2010). "LOTOS and design by contract”, ISCA, 19th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE-2010), June 16 - 18, 2010, San Francisco,California,USA,pp 190-195, ISBN 978-1-880843-77-2.
  15. Abdelhafid Zitouni, Lionel Seinturier and Mahmoud Boufaïda (2008). “Contract-based approach to analyze software components”, International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS2008/UML&AADL), IEEE, Belfast April, pp 237, 242, ISBN: 0-7695-3139-3, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICECCS.2008.32

National Conferences

  1. Abdelhafid Zitouni. (2005). “Un Framework pour l'utilisation des design patterns dans le développement des systèmes d'information “, Conférence Internationale d'informatique appliquée CIIA'05, N°ISBN 9947-0-1042-2, pp 39-44, BBA, Algérie, Novembre 2005.
  2. Abdelhafid Zitouni. (2004). “Un Framework pour l'utilisation des design patterns par intégration du langage de spécification Lotos “, Séminaire national en informatique, SNIB’04, pp 299-307, Biskra, Algérie, Mai 2004,

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